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BOSS Series Part 2: A Gift To "Self"

Dec 26, 2021
BOSS Series Part 2: A Gift To "Self"

Hi Babe!

Thank you for joining me on this wonderful 3-part series. Today's training comes to you from the countryside. 

I've created a 3-part series to warm you up for what we're about to experience in the NEXT LEVEL of you.

I've created a BOSS program for women (and men) to not only bring their true personality to the BOSS Table but to bring God to the BOSS Table as well. 

Whoever you deem worthy of worship. Whoever you'd like to offer space to your sacred door with the structure of your BUSINESS. 

Today I invited God into my work, as usual. Before recording, I looked out toward the cows and the sunrise and I decided that I wasn't going to go back home with my heart unclear. Whenever I visit a city and return home, I have to come back clear. Even if it is a short drive away. 

There are things that God wants to share with you as you step into being a NEW type of BOSS. 

This is a BOSS GOAL SERIES and today's message is about Giving Self A Gift. This is the gift that SOUL deserves. Give this gift to your soul today. 

Listen in to today's training. You can listen to Part 1 here

Part 2 reflects two gifts that you can give your soul today. Right now! Don't wait. As part of my BOSS Program, we added a spiritual connection to Source. This form of interacting with Business and God and You is to allow EASY FLOW and an easier way of doing business. 

I really would like you to experience what it is like to run your business with more peace. I spent many days and nights with inner struggle and sadness because I was lacking in the area of peace and prosperity. Mental wealth concerning my business and my brand. 

If you'd like to incorporate God/Source/Universe into your NEXT LEVEL, then this is for you. 

BOSS Series:

If you've enjoyed this series and you'd like to experience more BOSS Moves that can increase your wealth and abundance and take you into the NEXT FINANCIAL Experience, visit and join BOSS

Sending you love, light, and everything right.


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