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Bring Your Soul’s Desire To Life

Feb 04, 2022

Hi Lovey, 

So you’re ready to promote your offer in an powerful way and you’re ready to speak life into your great work! 🙌🏼

You’re excited and ready to work from a place of desire, passion, and vision with more ease. And Make More $$$$

You’re visualizing yourself getting paid to wear what you want, to do what you love, and have a tribe and team to support you. 

There’s nothing more rewarding than doing what comes naturally for you and something that is really exciting for you.

It’s what you’re called to do and where you’re called to be. I know. I’ve been there. I am there.

I’ve had so many clients start with a 3 month program and stay with me for a year. We position the Self (your Self) to clear the path and align to the vision deep within your soul.

You know you can’t live without the life that you want. It draws you close daily. It’s speaks to your soul. It activates you with clips and snapshots of pictures in your mind.

You get hungry. You go after it only to see that you need help and feel stuck. You’re not alone.

My clients come to me with hunger and desire and a vision. They need a plan. Support. Guidance. Love. Strategies. Knowledge and someone with massive experience.

With this and the skills and tools to succeed, they’re able to CASH IN on a life worth the investment they’ve said yes to.

You sure can do it alone or with friends. Working without a coach can always get you there. It’s at a slower pace but you will arrive. 

It took me 8 years. I know!! 😩😅

But I finally got it! I’m definitely proud of myself. However, it could have taken me 8 months to a year had I invested in a qualified coach. So I did.

I was finally done with taking the long road. I wanted the shortcuts and the wisdom. I wanted the frequency of the advantage.

Do you want that too?

Join me for a year of Self-Love. It’s a membership that is tailored to either your money increase or your love life or both. You get to choose.

 If you’re already subscribed to then you can receive a special to my membership by clicking Self-Love Membership for Subscribers only. 

If you’re not subscribed, please visit theSelf-Love Membership offering slightly different things yet it is a larger investment. My guess is, you’ll want to subscribe! :)

I love blessing my members! They mean the world to me and I’m here to support you in your corner. 

I can’t wait to see you on the inside! 

sending you love, light, and everything right!

Elsie Blass


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