Hurricane Ian Exposes A New Way To Think
Oct 01, 2022
I sat on the bed in the hotel room to overlook the view of Miami and wondered what would make of this hurricane nearing Naples, Florida.
I moved there during the pandemic on September 2, 2020. The beaches are/were beautiful. Many called it paradise. To many of us, it still is.
What new exposures to a life-threatening situation will provide: In this new post of reflection, power, support, family, and a calm ass spirit vibrating within.
I've had to start over many times in my life, but I wondered if it would be a more straightforward fix this time.
Since the brain loves to answer questions and absolutely loves assignments, I asked my brain last night, "what's next?" Can you come up with solutions based on what you know will happen in the future?
The one thing with this is that the brain works on facts and the higher self works from an intuitive space. The heart works in pictures and images.
So in part, I need my higher self to work with my heart and brain to make sense of what is next.
Electrical specialists passed us on the highway from other states bringing with them possible solutions and leaving their homes and safety to help us in this time of darkness.
Literally left in the darkness with either battery-operated flashlights or smartphones with available flashlights pending with low battery, and a cultivated positive spirit. One can find themselves wondering and wandering in mind, body, and spirit.
The thought of driving from one coast to the other just to get gas, cash, and food to return to no light, no hot water to shower, no internet, and the sun's warmth doesn't seem so bad after searching for food last night and scrambling for cash found in the car.
Luckily, the 60-degree weather last night kept the comfort of sleep intact. But, with windows open, what once was quiet and a peaceful community, sounded like an ambulance echoing into the night's distance, boogie dogs barking extending their power and right to be heard, and laughter from those drinking beers to subside and soothe the Hurrican's destruction.
I don't think we realize how spoiled or how blessed we are when we have all that we need and what we can't live without. You begin to notice the clarity of your spirit to stay in a state of peace and CALM.
What's interesting is that I've been working on the 2023 CALM + SEXY Course/Mastermind for the last 2-months. It's coming along beautifully and I've learned so much about myself since then.
Taking your time with your goals and accomplishments is healthy. I've spent the last 20 years running through accomplishments and never really taking a moment to receive and enjoy what I've done.
It's so easy to move forward and leap to another goal. What if we took it easy? I mean, life can have its moments of struggle, passion, surprise, and fun. You never really know what will come of it. A positive mind is power and key.
One thought I had was, I'm tired of starting over. I'm tired of learning lessons. I'm tired of chasing and running after... So a few months ago I told myself that I will not chase anything. I'll just lean into what's open to me.
I'll just take my time enjoying people, places, and things that are aligned. I know that I pushed people away. Not even meaning to. I was just a girl on a mission.
A mission to change the world in whatever capacity I could and to ensure that I provide a financial opportunity for my children to succeed.
It can always be worse. That's the thought that can instantly bring you to a place of gratitude. I'm so glad I have _______. I'm so glad that I'm able to ________.
We can instantly take our vibration up a notch when we consider what we still have and what we have access to.
Wealthy and rich people have problems too. We all have our level of losses and gains and everything in between. We will succeed. We will press on. It can always be worse.
I have seen others who are displaced. So in honor of their experience, I invite you to join CALM.
Twenty percent of each enrollment will go to helping those who are displaced due to the storm. We'll also be working down here in Southwest Florida to help provide food and water to those who don't have access to cash or who don't have enough money to take care of their needs.
Please click here and join today! You can also forward this post to those who may be interested or would like to purchase this uplifting mastermind program for someone else.
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