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Recap The Week - Week 1

Jan 12, 2024
Elsie Blass PhD
Recap The Week - Week 1

Good day! 

I hope that you had an amazing week. Please listen to today's Recap The Week. 

Every Friday you'll receive an email to connect you back into your vision by first recapping your week at a glance. 

Let's connect you back to your vision. Please be sure to review your vision. Connect with it. Play with it in your mind through visualizations and plug back into the frequency of who you need to be, and how you need to think about yourself in order to manifest it into your reality. 

If you need help with this last piece, please let me know and I will support you step-by-step. 

You're doing great! And remember, you can absolutely have it all!

If you haven't joined VISION MANIFESTOR, here are two links for you to consider!

I am sending you love!

Dr. Elsie Blass

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