Soul Dreams Challenge
Feb 13, 2022Happy Valentines Day!
Hello Loves!!!
I'm excited to invite you to tomorrow's Valentine's Day Special Event. We're kicking off the Soul Dreams 3-Day Challenge.
Begin your Soul Dreams Journey this Valentine's Day. It's a special Self-Love Edition.
Learn the tools to receive your inner dreams:
Day 1: Four simple modalities to reaching your Soul Dreams (Flesh out your Soul's Dreams)
Day 2: Embody and experience your Soul Dreams
Day 3: Step by Step Plan to receiving
You can join me on Zoom or join my Self-Love Therapy private group and join in LIVE. Ask questions and receive coaching and mentorship in our 3-day challenge.
Topic: Soul Dreams
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 9320 9532
Passcode: 425
I can't wait to see you this week!
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