Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from yourself?
Would you like a reboot?
Do you feel like you need to take a break and focus on self-care?
If so, then our Self-Love Retreat course is the perfect solution for you!
Take the opportunity to purchase our Self-Love Retreat and INSTANTLY receive ACCESS to my Self-Love Therapy Course for only $199 and start your journey to self-love and self-care.
Learn how to practice self-love and self-care
Develop a better understanding of yourself
Re-connect with your inner self
My client Shelby joined our last retreat and experienced healing that she said was way overdue. She began using our self-love practice the very next day and felt energized and ready to create massive wealth in her personal life and by running her online business.
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to start or continue your journey to self-love and self-care.
Click to purchase our Self-Love Retreat
- Benefit #1: Locate your inner goddess and become one.
- Benefit #2: Heal, restore, replenish, and plan your next love and or business moves.
- Benefit #3: Feel good in your body and elevate your soul.
- Benefit #4: Refresh with a healthier and cleaner mind.
{Saturday Morning Retreat} FEBRUARY 11, 2023
What you'll get:
⚜️ BONUS #2: Sign-up today and receive an additional VIP session for 2023. Yay! (3 total)
What you'll walk away with:
⚜️Locate and access your inner Goddess and become one ceremony
Dr. Elsie Blass
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