What we need for physical health (nutrition, fitness), happiness, spirituality, fashion, and fun is ALL found here. 

We include: 

  • Mental health
  • Emotional health
  • Physical health
  • Spiritual health

Coaching on all life topics on every call. 

Bring all your needs, cares, struggles, challenges, brokenness, concerns, visions, desires, dreams, and hopes, along with everything God has promised you. 

My team and I are here to help you become free, stay free, elevate internally, and life, love, and business innovation.

John 10:10


Self-love and love are a part of the life journey. Whatever it is, we'll get to the bottom of it and you'll clear whatever blocks are keeping you stagnant. Sometimes it's just minor shifts that bring the breakthroughs that you need. 

We bring it to prayer and break strongholds and powers in heavenly places (2 Corin 1:3). We loose those things in heaven so they will be loose on earth. 

I realized that it didn't matter what amazing coach I had. If my coach, mentor, or therapist couldn't break strongholds spiritually, I could only utilize their gifts, strategies, and tools so much.

My team is Holy Spirit-led. So if you're looking for a sisterhood in Christ Jesus, we are right here.

Matthew 16:17-19


If God has called you to be in the business of healing others, helping others, product promotion, or in the online space - this will be perfect for you.

Whether you're an artist, creator, coach, health professional, investor, or leader, as long as you have to be in media to reach the community that God has for you - this is our home for nourishing the work that you came here to do. 

I'm committed to being led by the Holy Spirit to bring your business back from the dead, reigniting it, or casting your net on the right side. 

Your business and life are blessed and this is a great opportunity to see that reflected in a new fresh way. 

Isaiah 48:17


Hi, I'm Elsie Blass PhD and I'm the founder and owner of Blass Media LLC.

A company committed to coaching, mentoring, and providing therapy to celebrities, entrepreneurs, and influencers in media. 

I'm 42 and have been in business since 2004 when Youtube hadn't yet provided live streaming. I was streaming live from a platform called Ustream (now owned by IBM) and also used Blog Talk Radio during the early 2000s. 

I have a B.A. in Fashion Design & Merchandising (2010). I have a Masters in Psychology (2012) and a PhD in Health Psychology (2021), specializing in Self-Love {Dissertation in Self-Relating Modification}, Behavior Change, and Extending Life Expectancy. 

I'm a Certified Holistic Life Coach (2014), Certified Love Coach (2015), Certified Meditation Instructor (2014), Stretch Therapy (2022), and in Pilates (2022).  

I thought I was going mad because I kept going back for more education. I was healing myself. I was also my first patient. When I felt I couldn't help a client, I'd go back for more.

I needed to understand the body, I needed to master Mind Redesign, Emotional Stability, Physical Health, Internal and External Organ Tissue Maintenance, and Spirituality

I'm committed to serving the children of God who have a BIG VISION, are in MEDIA, and would like support in meeting your goal(s).

Schedule A Call 



One good break. One touch of favor can make up for lost time.

If you depend on MEDIA to fulfill your calling and mission by the Father, then you've come to the right place.

You may have been executing your business on your own or "kind of" combining your will with His. But, you've recently realized that the Holy Spirit is calling you toward a slightly new path.

Your personal health and business health are important to Jesus and He wills that you be in good health even as your soul prospers. 

We've recently updated our target market to cater to those who God has recently called to merge their business with His.

This Life Coaching Membership will help you with every area of your life. 

If your image is the face of your brand and your ideal client is drawn to your self-care strategies, prosperity post, podcast teachings, self-worth, net worth, and the call on your life to serve them deeply, this will be your happy place. 

This is a judgment-free zone and all are welcome to explore themselves in a private or group setting.  

Let's Talk! Schedule your complimentary call below and let's see if we're a right fit. Even if we're not an ideal fit, let's help you get clear on what your vision is and what it will take to get there. The Holy Spirit will be our guide during this call. 

Schedule A Complimentary Call

God's Word + Promises

  • "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose minds stayed on you." Isaiah 26:3 
  • "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go." Isaiah 48:17
  • "Yes, I called them, I have brought them, and their way will prosper." Isaiah 48:15
  •  If any of you lacks wisdom, let them ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to them. But let them ask in faith, with no doubt... James 1:5-6
  • "Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Proverbs 29:18
  • "If anyone serves Me, let them follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, them My Father will honor." John 12:26

Prayers + Affirmations

  • "The right people are tracking me down."
  • "I daily stir up enthusiasm within me."
  • "Blessings are chasing me down."
  • "Favor surrounds me."
  • "Goodness and Mercy are following me."
  • "Help me to run somewhere and not just run in place."
  • "Provide me with a system(s) that produces results."
  • "My systems produce results."
  • "I will keep trying, keep learning, keep measuring and working it through."
  • "I feel confident doing this with God."
  • "My new systems are easy and nourishing to my bank accounts, nourishing to my family, and nourishing me - daily."

Elevate: Monthly Growth & Empowerment Coaching

Elevate: is a Life Coaching Subscription designed to help individuals continuously grow, overcome personal and professional challenges, and unlock their full potential. It combines the power of personal coaching with the community support and resources needed to foster sustained personal development.


  • Subscription Access -Monthly, with the option to cancel anytime. This flexibility encourages people to join at their own comfort level and commitment.
  • Optional Offering
    Monthly Coaching Calls: Group sessions focused on various personal development topics, such as mind redesign, productivity hacks, emotional intelligence, and so much more.
  • One-on-One Sessions: Monthly private coaching sessions to address individual challenges and set personalized goals.
  • Exclusive Resources: Access to a library of tools, worksheets, and recorded content aimed at reinforcing learning and application.
  • Community Support: Membership to a private online forum or group where members can share insights, ask for advice, and find accountability partners.

Key Features

  • Personalized Goal Setting: Each member starts their journey with a personalized goal-setting session to ensure the coaching aligns with their individual aspirations.
  • On-Demand Expert-Led Workshops: Monthly workshops or webinars led by experts in various fields of personal development, offering fresh perspectives and insights.
  • Progress Tracking: Members receive monthly progress check-ins to reflect on achievements, adjust goals, and stay motivated.
  • Special Interest Groups: Sub-groups within the larger community focus on specific areas of interest (e.g., mindfulness, productivity, leadership) to allow deeper exploration and connection.
  • Spirituality: God and You are in this together. Let's keep that relationship nourished, solid, and secure.  


Subscribers will experience continuous personal growth, achieve their short-term and long-term goals, and become part of a supportive community that encourages and celebrates each other's successes. The blend of group and individual coaching ensures that members receive both the personalized attention they need and the collective wisdom of the community.

This subscription model is designed to be dynamic, adapting to the needs and feedback of our clients to ensure it remains relevant and valuable over time. It's a way to keep our clients engaged, supported, and motivated as they work towards their personal development goals.


We're loving this Membership. We're offering result-driven strategies and our team of innovative professionals reviews your weekly concerns with the Holy Spirit's guidance to help you experience the life that has been revealed to you.

All client names are kept confidential and our team and servers are protected. 

Images In The Mind

Visions are clips of images, almost like a movie scene that offer insight into a future God has called you to create.

Success + Failure

Remember that success and failure are both equal value. Both are worthy of celebration. They lead to acceleration, promotion, and opportunities.

Making Up For Lost Time

We love a slow pace. However, we serve a God who helps us go further quicker and sooner. Make room for acceleration.


Book a 3rd Thursday of the month for...

  • Laughs
  • Cries
  • Breakthroughs
  • Healing
  • Money Increase
  • Sales
  • Marketing Breakthroughs
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Love and Self-love Maintenance
  • Identity Shifts
  • Relationship Therapy
  • Starting Over or Starting From Scratch


Book and Mark Your Calendars!


Meet me at 6pm on a Thursday with your friends!


A-Lister Celebrity? Bring your special trustworthy crew to your private group call.


**LGBTQ+ groups are also available. 


Schedule Your Complimentary Call


Super Natural Increase: 

"I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit, whoIseads you in the way that you should go." Isaiah 48:17 

"Yes, I have called them, I have brought them, and their way will prosper." Isaiah 48:15

Pay In Full


6 months

  • 26 sessions (in any time zone)
  • Monthly group Zoom calls (optional)
  • Bonus: access to all previous and future programs in our on-demand library



6 months

  • 26 sessions (in any time zone)
  • Monthly group Zoom calls (optional)
  • Bonus: access to all previous and future programs in our on-demand library

Facts To Know

This Life Coaching 6-month package (membership) is available for renewal. 

We have a package of 26 sessions that you're able to use as we see fit. Some clients use their sessions in 3 months because they receive speedy results.

Most of my clients are traveling for work and or leisure and their schedule can determine their speed and their results.