Season 8
116. Dating Someone Who Makes Less Than You & Worshipping Your Mentor
I received a DM about my relationship with my mentor and here's the truth. Also, I share what's really important when it comes to relationships and money.
Grab your journal or smart device and get ready to dive in...
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114. Journey To Raising Your Net Worth
The journey to millions takes these killer mindsets, personal beliefs and motivations, and a little something special that I share in this episode.
Grab your journal or smart device and get ready to dive in...
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115. Properly Close Relationships, Avoidant and Anxious Attachment Styles, and Moving On
A new way to close relationships for the year, healing and working through your relationship attachment style(s), and moving on from people, places, and things that are not in alignment is now available in this...
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113. Transform Your Love & Money Algorithms
A NEW Innovative Thought Process that will break the cycles that keep you from your manifestation. Try this today!
Grab your journal or smart device and get ready to dive in deep.
Journal Prompt: Journal prompts...
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112. Increase Revenue Journal Prompts pt 1
Journal prompts that will help you recreate a new reality. Start now!
Grab your journal or smart device and get ready to dive in deep.
Journal Prompt: Journal prompts within the episode. 🗝️
Let's dive in!
Where to...
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111. Heal & Mentally Recode Your Past pt 1
Here you'll find 1 of the 2 types of processes that will help you heal from each situation that took place and created discomfort. Start now!
Grab your journal or smart device and get ready to dive in deep.
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110 - Weed Out People, Places, and Things
Live in a way that is best for you by asking yourself this one simple question. This teaching is going to help you weed out the people, places, and things in your life that haven't and don't serve you or the journey...
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109 - Starting Over {Rated Mature}
Sometimes there is one area that we need to start over in. Other times it can be in more than one area. Let's talk about the different topics today. Life, love, family, business, career, health.
Grab your journal or...
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108. Self-Friendship - Have A Conversation Experience With Self
Have a session with yourself today!
Experience this Q+A style session that you can have with yourself. Go deeper in the direction of your dreams today.
Journal Prompt: Located in this episode
The membership link is...
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