You’ll also get access to high potent episodes:

🎧 48 min listen
Episode 1: Receive the step-by-step process to access your abundance codes.
Complete practice runs with me to ensure you manifest your intention(s).
Manifest with ease. Clear the pathway to overflow. Love the parts of you that when loved, allow for momentum.

🎧 19 min listen
Episode 2: Inner Upgrades: Receive 2 ways to collapse times with peace and ease.
Connect with God's timeline for this season in your life.
Remove self-sabotage and internal blocks that hinder the flow of reaping the benefits of being a savage.

🎧 60 min listen
Episode 3: Goal and vision access.
Cultivate opportunities and execute the plan we've worked on together to help you live out your dream life.
Remove blocks and mindsets that keep your vision in slow-motion or nonexistent.

🎧 19 min listen
Episode 4: Self-Love Therapy sessions will help you meet resistance, pivot, and realign with ease and with flow.
Receive access to the 7-week program.

🎧 30 min listen
Episode 5: Milk and Honey: Create an environment of peace and productivity with this Milk + Honey episode. Have a solid footing for liberating your soul and tasting your elevation.

🎧 50 min listen
Episode 6: BOSS VIBES. Healthy habits for a full and balanced life.
Embodiment training and instant elevation. Receive love and money upgrades.
Meet The Mind Behind SAVAGE
Dr. Elsie Blass
Host and Self-Love Specialist
As a psychologist and self-modification expert, Elsie will guide you through each episode with passion. She believes everyone is on a path to success, and sometimes we just need a little nudge in the right direction.
Every GOAT needs a coach and therapist to help them rise above self-sabotage, reach massive leaps and continue to be better than the rest.
You're a hustler baby! Give the world "that funk, that sweet, that nasty, that gushy stuff." - Jay Z
Join the program designed to help you elevate NOW!
Mind Redesign
Self-Discovery For GOATS
Helping others discover their true selves is Elle’s passion. Her light-hearted approach to mental health gives this serious subject a playful twist. Elle is the friend you never knew you needed on your journey to success and bring your dreams forward.
GOATS are over achievers, go getters, and hustlers from all walks of life.
From urban cities to country folks, we know that tailoring your coaching experience to help you succeed is an incredible level-up in our field of expertise.
Join Savage today!
Vanessa R.
Elsie believed in me. She supported my vision when no one believed in me. I've always felt like I was supposed to make 6-figures a month. Being a Latin woman, it's rare for us to break barriers like this.
I come from a time when women were homemakers and my husband had to adjust to now retiring early and helping me around the house.
I'm a mother of three with grandchildren and I'm able to take care of my family and give over and beyond what I imagined but knew I was meant for.
Tianna B.
Woo!! For reaching BIG BOSS Heights! I feel completely satisfied with my epic self-love savage results.
Elsie and I worked on my epic dreams. She's so knowledgeable about love and business. Clearing my love life really helped me elevate my business.
My clients and employees have seen a difference. My messaging is converting into consistent sales seamlessly.
I joined CALM to uplevel my brand and the added live podcast of Savage really helped me reach the top.
Laura D.
All I've ever wanted was to model and sell my online fitness programs. I didn't know where to start. I just knew I needed someone to help me with self-love. Self-love has really helped me to step into a new layer of abundance.
I manifested aligned clients and I show up with confidence running my online presence with ease and flow - as Elsie teaches.
I'm calm and yet a total savage when it comes to going after my dreams.
I’ve gone from feeling stressed out and overworked to loving the life I live. This podcast and live calls has changed my life. I feel like Elsie is a trusted friend guiding me to a better version of myself for my business and my relationships.

Alexis Deal
Founder of Level Up
You're the GOAT. You know this!
You're the Greatest Of All Time!
You already know that you're a BADDIE.
You know how to dress. You take care of your skin. You have mental and emotional health as a top priority.
Just like you, I know what it feels like to want a high-end nourished bank account.
I hungered for my dream business to provide for me and my family.
You can feel it! You were born to succeed! You were born to live a luxurious full life. I know.
You go after BIG DREAMS. You don't give up.
I know that you may not be sure what direction to go in.
You know what you want and you know the final outcome, but you need support, guidance, and a step-by-step process to bring your dreams into reality.
This is for you if...
You can assert your power.
Know that obstacles come to awaken the codes within.
You already have the energy and resources to be great.
You have the advantage of accessing infinite energy.
You're ready to make your Soul's Dreams come true.
Yes, I'm Ready!

Get a double dose of confidence
Sign up today and get access to the Tranquility Meditations + our #1 selling ICON Masterclass absolutely free.
You're ready to level up in a massive way.
You've been doing things the same way for a while and you're now ready to expand and try a new fresh way to grow your business and experience massive wealth and abundance.
Whether you're starting new or you've been in the game for a while, I know that you're ready to stand out and make a significant impact in the world.
I help GOATS like you hustle with more ease and flow. You don't have to work hard. Those days are over.
You may work a lot doing what you love, but that is a choice. Expand your brand. Expand your view of SELF. Expand the way you honor yourself and enjoy the elevation process.
Yes, I Want In!00
Self-Love + Personal Freedom
Self-sabotage starts in the mind, transforms your emotions to align, and the vibrations of those limitations keep you linked to things that you're desiring so much to elevate from.
Your personal relationships can be better and can feel more rewarding by redesigning your mind and linking you to abundance. The abundance of healthy refreshing love, loyalty, emotionally intelligent relationships, and attention.
You have massive goals and BIG dreams and can't seem to get a handle on the daily steps and motivation to tackle the obvious and not-so-obvious tasks to make your dreams come true.
You've waited so long to live this fulfilled life. you've tried everything you know to do, and now it's time to have access to the know-how and how-to.
With continual coaching and support and best of all therapy for the motivated career and money-driven person. You'll be able to access the aligned action to your sacred vision of love and money.
Magnetize + Monetize
Ah! The increase of money. How fun and delicious it is.
There's nothing like falling in love with an offer that can generate millions of dollars in revenue, or a thriving career.
You have calling and desire to win doing your great work and creating and sharing something you love and something you know works.
You crave having an even more nourished bank account than anything you've ever experienced before.
You've been a boss for as long as you can remember and despite your best efforts, you know there have been some missing links in the area of one-on-one support and magnetic structures to help you reach your BIG TIME GOALS.
If you're ready to bring your Soul's Dreams to reality, let's begin!
Fiona M.
I love the step-by-step processes and breakdowns for how to manifest my intentions and collapse timelines.
I saved 10 years of struggles and figuring things out. There's just no way I would have been able to achieve my epic results when it comes to money.
Like Elsie, I love money. And I wanted more of it! So I went for it! I'm so glad I did. Els is great at working through my self-love barriers and creating my intended results.
Janna U.
As a new mom, I know that staying home and having a lifestyle of freedom is meant for me.
Elsie had me write a list of things that I'm available for. Well, I'm available for more passion in my relationship and a thriving career working from home.
That was my intention and that's what I accomplished. I just reached $15k months and my relationship is more delicious today than it was before. I'm so grateful!
Kathleen Z.
Yay! I'm a savage! Elsie started waking up with me at 4:30am to help me step into a more premium version of myself. The version that my business needed.
With three kids, I make use of time in various ways that work for growing my young family.
I wasn't able to speed things up in my business. I've been in this field for eight years and things just felt stagnant.
One month of SAVAGE and I've unleashed my inner boss.

Every BOSS needs self-love to receive their Soul Dream Results.
Loving yourself through every process and holding space for yourself is very important.
You'll learn how to coach yourself through each level of transformation that is needed for elevation and inner upgrades.
Be proud of where you've come from and who you are. Your past doesn't define where you're headed.
Right now matters. You matter. Your great work matters.
I believe in you. You'll receive results and support. Join me by accessing these amazing potent episodes.
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